What is JAEPA?

The Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) delivers substantial benefits for the Australian economy, making it easier to do business with Japan, our 2nd largest trading partner. The Agreement will strengthen and deepen trade between two of the Asia-Pacific's largest economies.

JAEPA is the most liberalising bilateral trade agreement that Japan has ever concluded, providing Australian exporters, importers, investors and producers a significant advantage over their international competitors. This ground-breaking agreement will significantly improve access to the world's third-largest economy for Australian business.

For all enquiries please call (08) 8300 0083 or email [email protected]

JAEPA: The Benefits For Australia

JAEPA will significantly improve Australian companies' access to the Japanese market, making their goods and services exports more cost competitive. JAEPA will also improve the range and price of Japanese inputs for Australian manufacturers. As Asia's rapid economic growth continues, closer trade ties with major Asian economies are essential to Australia's continued prosperity.

JAEPA will make Australian exporters more competitive in the Japanese market particularly in the following industries;
  • Beef
  • Wine
  • Dairy
  • Seafood

JAEPA: The Benefits To Your Business

More than 9.5 per cent of Australia's exports to Japan will enter duty-free or will receive preferential access when JAEPA is fully-implemented.

JAEPA will slash prohibitive agricultural tariffs on a wide range of products to Australia's third-largest agricultural export market, including rapid tariff reductions for beef, Australia's largest agricultural export to Japan.

JAEPA eliminates tariffs on all of Australia's current minerals, energy and manufacturing exports.

JAEPA guarantees Australian service providers outcomes equal to or better than the best commitments Japan has made in any of its other trade agreements.

Under JAEPA, both governments will support work towards enhanced mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

JAEPA will promote Japanese investment in Australia by raising the screening threshold at which private Japanese investment in non-sensitive sectors is considered by the Foreign Investment Review Board.

Australian innovators will enjoy levels of protection for their intellectual property in Japan broadly equivalent to protections provided in Australia.

Read more details on the Japan - Australia Economic Partnership Agreement 

For all enquiries please call (08) 8300 0083 or email [email protected]

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