WHS for Employees

Course Outline

At a worksite, everyone is responsible for worksite health and safety – it does not rest entirely with managers,  but with workers too, who are performing tasks and potentially putting themselves at risk on a daily basis.

Whether it be carrying boxes of paperwork, operating a forklift or taking care of your mental health, Work Health and Safety can be complex for every member of staff, no matter what type of work is conducted. When a worker is injured, everyone is affected.

This Business SA course provides employees with an understanding of the numerous safety roles and responsibilities that exist within an organisation, and how to access them.

Participants will learn about the importance of WHS legislative requirements, the role of health and safety committees, and how to report and resolve issues, injuries and incidents to protect themselves in the workplace.

Who is it for?

All employees

Course duration

Half day

Course Outcomes

  • Identify the roles and duties of key stakeholders within an organisation including the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), officers and workers
  • Familiarisation with hazard management and risk assessment processes
  • Understand the importance of reporting injuries and incidents
  • Understanding the importance of Codes of Practice



To find out how cost effective WHS for Workers can be for your business, contact Cindy Jackway, Sales Manager on 0403 454 409 or [email protected] or to submit an enquiry form click here.

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